Children’s Ministries

Children’s Ministries Director – Faye Reimer

Bangor Church of the Nazarene seeks to provide input that will help develop children spiritually, physically, mentally, and relationally. We believe God’s Word gives instruction that will provide them a well-balanced, enjoyable life. These goals are accomplished through various programs and activities that expose our young people to a biblical world view. This helps them evaluate their life experiences through God’s eyes, and make decisions based on scripture principles.
Sunday School forms the foundation for discipleship and equipping for our children. Every Sunday this occurs at 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship begins at 10:40 a.m. where children worship with their family, then are dismissed when the preaching begins for Children’s Church.
Other activities that are provided are opportunities to develop their gifts (example: Bible memorization, singing, working together as a team, socialization, manners, etc.). Vacation Bible School has always been a ‘hit’ for children, as well as back to School Parties, Christmas Program Presentation, and Pancake Breakfast for kids. Our Awana Kids Club operates during the school term each Wednesday Night and guides children in memorizing scripture and relating it to everyday experience. There is also music and game time each week. We do not believe our children are the church of tomorrow; we believe they are the church of today. Our goal is to raise up a corps of spiritual champions whom God can use to make our world a better place to live.