Singspiration of Hope

September 29, 2019 @ 10:40 am
Bangor Church of the Nazarene
150 Bunny Trail Rd
Bangor, PA 18013
Church Office

There are many hymns that speak much about the hope we have in Christ…especially needed for these days. We would like this worship time to be a time we exalt Jesus Christ for all the blessings He has provided us. So, if you can help us prepare for this to be a blessed time, please place the name or page number from the new hymnal and place the slip of paper in the basket located in the foyer. We will be receiving requests in advance, as well as during the worship time if time allows. (Singing the first and last verse of each hymn requested.) So let’s join our voices and hearts together as we sing your favorite hymn, and enjoy His Presence in our midst. There will also be a short devotional on HOPE.