November 2024


As with every November that comes and goes, we emphasize the essence of thankfulness and having a heart of gratitude. After all, this is the reason we come together on the fourth Thursday in November, as we celebrate with family and friends, eating, and enjoy the fellowship found in the day. In most cases, people partake in a meal highlighted by turkey and pumpkin pie, as we reflect upon the goodness of life and taking stock in that for which we are thankful.
On the other hand, some may have much less for which to be thankful. Let’s face it; there are many situations where people are enduring hardships and trials that make it challenging for them to celebrate with a spirit of thankfulness. It’s not that they don’t want to be thankful for the good things in their lives; it’s just that they don’t have as many things for which to be grateful.
Maybe some struggle to provide a meal that marks the holiday. Perhaps some people are alone and do not have the same opportunity to draw close to loved ones. It could be that some are facing this Thanksgiving believing that it may be the last one they will celebrate with their family and friends. Many people are experiencing the holiday with less reason to give thanks.
This highlights the importance for our community of believers to extend the spirit of gratitude to those who may struggle to feel thankful. It is during such times that the brotherhood of the church reaches out to the people who have had misfortunes and hardships so that they know they are loved and cared for, regardless of their situation or condition.
Hebrews 13:15-16 reminds believers to consider their blessings and continuously look for opportunities to share and bless others who may be in need and could use encouragement.
15 Through him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name. 16 Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.
This may mean that we share resources or share in our joy. It could mean that we offer a helping hand or give encouragement. It might mean that we extend hospitality or give friendship. In any case, we are to forward the blessings that we have received in life to others who are experiencing difficulties or those who have less than us.
Remember, God reminds us ‘that whatever we sow, we too will reap’ (Galatians 6:7-8). Though it should not be our primary motive, there is a benefit for us when we give in a manner pleasing to God. Proverbs 19:17 tells us that;
Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed.
Imagine having God’s favor because of the kindness and compassion we show towards others; especially during the ‘Season of Thanks’. Whether people are poor in spirit or substance, we can make a difference in their lives by extending to them what has been given to us. I believe that as all people participate in Thanksgiving, whether we give or receive, we can appreciate and embrace the full concept of thankfulness because we have participated in a manner prescribed by the Lord.